If your taxable income is 5 LAK or more then 5 LAK , so you have to do e-filing of tax return . you know the last date of e-filing is 31 JULY. If you are interested in technology then here are some easy steps to do e-filing within 30 to 40 minutes . This is release only for ITR 1 and ITR 4s.
Now , i am going to tell you some easy steps of how to do e-filing .

step > 1

first of all , you have to log on to web site of income tax department that is . After this you have to register a permanent account with the help of your permanent number (pen card) and this number will use as your USER ID .

step > 2
After this user will click on the menu section "Download ITR" and select the assessment year 2013-14 and download the ITR-1 form or ITR-4s form from income tax forms . 

step > 3

Now open your form which is in the form of excel and follow the instruction and fill the all details of from-16 . If you are week in computer technology then you can fill your form without any download or installation just click on the "Quick e-filing ITR" if your tax income is more then 5000 rs. than you will fill the form ITR-2 .

step > 4
now click on the "calculate tax" tab so you can calculate your tax . For your calculation you have to fill some income sources like : interest of bank deposit , NSC , etc .

step > 5

After filling your form check again your form . now click on the validate tab so you can conform your form . After this a  XML file will generate but you have to enable macros in your Microsoft word . now your file will save automatically .

step > 6

now log on to web site and look the left panel of the web site and GOTO "upload return" section and select the assessment year 2013-14 upload the all XML files .

step > 7

After upload the all files a new msg arrives on the screen and ask for digital sign , if you have digital signature click yes otherwise click  no .

step > 8

After submit the return a successful msg will arrive on the screen which means that your e-filing process is complete . After this a acknowledgement  form will generate for ITR-verification     (ITR-V) . user can download this form otherwise this form will send the user e-mail as an PDF file.

step > 9

After this user can take print out of this form and sign with blue ink pen . After e-return user send it to " INCOME TAX DEPARTMENT , POST BEG NO.-1 , ELECTRONIC CITY POST OFFICE , BANGALORE-560100 " through speed post or ordinary post with in 120 days .

step > 10

Before this step 9  income tax department will send a acknowledgement to your e-mail with in 15 days . After this the final step will complete . 

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